Consistency is the Key

Kind of a meta-post today.

The key to successful marketing, promotion, programs, content marketing… is consistency. I was listening to Joe Pulizzi on the This Old Marketing podcast today talk about having success in building his email subscriber base for a new newsletter largely just by posting regularly on LinkedIn. He gained something like 18,000 email subscribers by focusing on creating consistently on the platform (and largely only LinkedIn). This same advice can be found time and time again in marketing because it works.

Consistency builds an expectation in people, and helps them plan for how they’re going to consume content. If they know to expect something at the same time every day, week, or month, they can more easily build it into their own routines.

So, even though i didn’t have a ton to say today, I’m going to stick to this daily blogging habit. Over time people will come to expect some regular content, which will lead to better conversations, and more success together.

Until tomorrow!


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