My Digital Declutter - Reflections
Chris Boivin Chris Boivin

My Digital Declutter - Reflections

I tried Cal Newport's Digital Declutter, as prescribed in his excellent book Digital Minimalism, for 30 days. I rediscovered solitude, learned what life is like without games and personal social media in your hand, and took away some other lessons. Here's a summary of how things went, and a look to how things might look after this initial experiment.

(fwiw is a website with speed Rubik’s Cube algorithms. I’m now proud to say that after practicing more, I don’t need to look at them to solve the cube, and can do it pretty regularly in less than 90 seconds!)

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My Digital Declutter
Chris Boivin Chris Boivin

My Digital Declutter

When we read Digital Minimalism, the digital declutter sounded like a pretty good idea to me. Here’s how it’s going after the first week.

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Stop Re-introducing Yourself
Chris Boivin Chris Boivin

Stop Re-introducing Yourself

When you’re presenting to a group, someone should have introduced you. Don’t waste time introducing yourself. Get right to your audience’s problem.

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