Library Marketing Book Club 411

Welcome to the Library Marketing Book Club!

Here’s a quick overview of the what, why, how and who of this book club. Ready to join? Fill out this short form. See you soon!

Goal: Read and discuss one marketing or marketing-adjacent book each month

Membership eligibility: People with marketing and marketing-adjacent roles in a library (including library administrators or anyone with an interest in library marketing). Individuals from library-related organizations also welcome.

Book selection: Vote from three titles each in advance of the upcoming month. Anyone can suggest titles to include. Nonfiction preferred. Club leader selects the three to put on the list. Preference given to books that are more readily available (e.g., different formats, likely to be in library catalog, easier to find outside library, etc.).

Discussion: Monthly virtual meetings to discuss book (completion of book preferred but not required to participate).

Group forum: Closed Facebook group


Welcome to the Library Marketing Book Club