Stack Habits to Read Regularly to Your Kids

There were two things in James Clear’s Atomic Habits that stuck out as library marketing opportunities, both because they mentioned books. Here’s the first. I’ll share the second tomorrow!

Leave a book on the pillow

A great way to build a habit is to stack it with another habit. Parents who want to read with kids every night can add a habit to something they or their children already do. When making the bed in the morning, put a book on the pillow when you finish. That way, the book is waiting there at night, ready for you to read together. (To take it further, how about some library merch with a spot or pocket for a book built in?)

I’ll be sharing this with library customers and will let you know if it clicks. If you give it a try at your library, I’d love to hear how it goes!

Ok, that’s it for today. Come back tomorrow for the other standout library marketing idea.


Write When and Where to Stick to a Habit


Atomic Habits Employed